Garden Tips

Over Trim is Over Kill

Avoid regular trimming of shrubs. The more often you cut the limb of a plant the more susceptible it is to various diseases, blights and funguses.

Re-soil your Beds

If you want to maintain healthy plants, (deep greens, bright colours and full leaves) you must ensure that you have your garden beds re-soiled with a soil mix which combines fibres and minerals…

Don’t Guess, Be Sure

Know your plants. It is important that you know how much sunlight a plant can tolerate before you place it in your garden.

All Plants Need a Bed

Always be sure that you implement a plant in a garden bed. If a plant has no loose soil around its base the chances of it surviving, far less being healthy is slim.

Slug it

If you have slugs in your garden you need to request free slug pellets from the Agricultural Centre in Graeme Hall before your plants are reduced to sticks.

Drip It Don’t Waste it

If you have a garden you may want to consider having a drip irrigation system installed.